
航空资深CM专家Eddie Kolesar加入IpX,担任CM2企业流程架构师 2018/04/27 [阅读更多]

 2018年4月26日,丹佛,科罗拉多,美国配置管理协会(IpX, 原ICM),宣布Eddie Kolesar加入IpX,担任CM2流程高级架构师,负责企业CM2流程的评估、规划、架构设计和实施,助力企业实现CM2卓越流程整合。Eddie加入IpX之前,在埃斯特林(Esterline)工作近30年,期间担任过航空产品设计、航空产品项目管理、PDM/PLM规划,构型管理(配置管理,CM)流程规划改进和CRB主席等职责,具有丰富完整的航空产品设计、项目管理、适航取证、软件实施和CM实践经验,Eddie是资深CM2-P认证,同时具有出口管制认证(Export Compliance Professional, ECoP®) 。



DENVER, CO (April 26, 2018) - The Institute for Process Excellence is pleased to announce that Eddie Kolesar, formerly of Esterline Power Systems, has joined the IpX team as Senior Process Architect. Eddie is an accredited Configuration Management Professional (CM2-P) and Export Compliance Professional (ECoP®) with 30 years of experience in commercial aerospace and defense industries, building and working with cross-functional teams. He possesses a deep understanding of Configuration Management, Data and Release Management, Operations, Engineering, Program Management, Trade Compliance Regulations (Jurisdiction and Classification) and Technical Data Transfer. He has a working knowledge of AS9100 standards and quality management systems. He has successfully implemented processes that significantly reduced cycle times without compromising the integrity of the processes while still meeting customer and regulatory requirements. Please join us in welcoming Eddie to the IpX global family.

CM2构型管理、配置管理、技术状态管理, 变更管理,Configuration Management